28 Cars Car Purchase Consulting

by Carsmenskii

The mission of 28 Cars is to provide as much valuable information as possible for free so that you don’t need to pay us.

However, if you DO want some help in your car buying and want to utilize our expertise (as well as support our journey) here is the breakdown:

CAD $99

Step 0

“I’m starting my car search and I’m not sure which cars I should consider”

After you answer a short questionnaire to identify your needs and budget, we will send you up to 5 car models to consider.

CAD $149


“I know what I want, let’s find some good cars out there”

Once you know the car model you want, we scavenge the interwebs and our private contacts to identify some good options to look at.

CAD $249


“Tell me about the trims and options as well as surprises to look out for”

We will send you a detailed report for your chosen car model, which will include trims, packages, options, and common issues. We will identify best model years to buy to avoid headaches.

CAD $349


“OK, I got a few options. Get me the best deals”

We will contact dealers and private sellers to identify final sale price before final negotiation. We will also ask about any issues and upcoming repairs if it’s a used vehicle.

CAD $499


“I know the exact car I want. Come with me to negotiate the best deal”

Road trip time! Our team member will accompany* you for the vehicle inspection and negotiation.

*GTA only

CAD $749


“Give me everything you got”

All services combined for personal white glove service – from identifying the car model to inspection and dealer negotiation.

We are ready when you are