Car Brands 🤗 NFTs

As promised by Gary Vaynerchuk, whether you like it or not, the NFTs are creeping into our lives and taking every mainstream company one by one 👾

So what is the “Automotive” way of implementing NFTs?

Look no further than recent announcement by Acura: First 500 people who order the new Integra will receive an NFT designed by Andreas Wannerstedt upon delivery of their car.

Mind you, this is not the first time automakers are venturing into the digital space. It was done before with:

While the resale value of the NFT itself is speculative, it serves as a proof-of-concept as more and more automakers give their customers an artsy #NFT receipt with the purchase of a new car to display in their shiny digital wallets.


On Car Dealer Satisfaction


Winds of (online) change 💨